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Birmingham’s Woodlawn Regenerates Itself


It's great to see all the positive activity and development taking place in Woodlawn. Check out the latest issue (April 2015) of Business Alabama which features an in-depth article titled "Birmingham's Woodlawn Regenerates Itself," highlighting Audiostate's role in what is referred to as Birmingham's Music Row, with three separate recording studios and the growing number of other arts-related establishments popping up on 55th Place. The article focuses on the important leadership role the Woodlawn Foundation in transforming one of Birmingham's oldest communities. And with the national release later this year of the feature film "Woodlawn" by our friends the Erwin Brothers, which was shot in part at the beautifully-renovated Woodlawn High School, yet more positive attention will be drawn to the community. A great read!...(click photo or here to read).

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